Tuesday, October 5, 2010

So, I never shared with the public the art I created while I was in Chile in my citation-based painting and drawing class. Well then, here ya go. 
The link will lead to my full portfolio from the class, the slideshow just shows the pictures.

I can't believe in only 12 weeks I produced 9 paintings all outside of class. Well, to be exact, in my host casa, on the floor, trying not to spill paint on the carpet. 
In my current advanced painting class at USC, we will paint 4 works in 12 weeks, and even that is shooting high. I was so impressed with my fellow students at La Católica; their works were at times detailed and large and almost always thoughtful and well-constructued. I was the slacker in the class, mostly because I would paint in between weekend travels and weekly excursions. 
But still, the Chilean artists I met in my class still inspire me. My current body of work is actually based completely on experiences of magical realism I witnessed in Chile. And athough it will only be 4 paintings large, I hope it will do my friend Chile proud!

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