Thursday, April 1, 2010


Following up my last post about embarassment, here's what I've accidentally done in the past couple weeks.


  • I walked about 10 miles total in the past 3 days on account of being lost.
  • I gave myself a tour of my new campus, every random pathway included.
  • I ordered a piece of chicken on bread-- no sauce, no toppings, just a slab of meat on wheat.
  • I bought 1 kilo of peaches when I only wanted 1 peach.
  • I attended a church service.
  • I ate chicken liver.
  • I ordered whipped cream (instead of half and half cream) on my black coffee.


  1. you make me happy.

    from our accidents we can learn so much. keep on keeping on.

  2. Hi Kaitlin! My husband and I are friends with Craig and Tonya LaTorre and we live in Iquique, in northern Chile. I couldn't help but chuckle at your half-and-half scenario because my husband so misses his half-and-half from the States that he makes his own at home. You just can't find it here and he can't live without it! :) So in case you ever find yourself as desperate as he, just visit the milk section of the grocery store and buy a little box of cream (we think Parmalat crema light mixes the best) and stir with milk. It really works, and tastes good. I hope you enjoy your time in Chile. If you ever have some free time, come visit us up north and we'll show you around the Atacama Desert! God bless, Stephanie
